What Is FUTA? Definition and How to Calculate FUTA Liability (2024)

What Is the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA)?

The Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) is a federal law that imposes an additional tax on employers on top of existing federal income and payroll taxes. The money raised through FUTA is allocated to state unemployment insurance agencies, which fund unemployment benefits for individuals who are out of work.

FUTA taxes are only paid by employers, which means individual taxpayers are not responsible for paying them. The FUTA tax rate is 6% and only applies to a certain dollar figure paid to employees during the year.

Key Takeaways

  • The Federal Unemployment Tax Act is legislation that imposes a payroll tax on any business with employees; the revenue raised is used to fund unemployment benefits.
  • The FUTA tax rate is 6% of the first $7,000 paid to each employee annually.
  • FUTA taxes are only imposed on employers even though they are based on employees' wages.
  • FUTA and SUTA are similar taxes just imposed on different levels of government, while FUTA and FICA fund entirely different programs by charging different individuals.
  • Employers who also pay theirstateunemployment insurance can receive a federal tax credit of up to5.4%, resulting in an effective FUTA tax rate of0.6%.

Understanding the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA)

FUTA is a federal law that raises revenue to administer unemployment insurance and job service programs in every state. As directed by the Act, employers are required to pay annual or quarterly federal unemployment taxes; they make up a part of what is commonly known as payroll taxes.

The tax rate is 6%. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the "tax applies to the first $7,000 you paid to each employee as wages during the year. The $7,000 is often referred to as the federal or FUTA wage base. Your state wage base may be different based on the respective state’s rules."

The funds in the account are used for unemployment compensation payments to workers who have lost their jobs. Although the amount of the FUTA payroll tax is based on employees' wages, it is imposed on employers only, not their employees. In other words, it is not deducted from a worker's wages. As such, FUTA differs from other payroll taxes such as the Social Security tax, which applies to both employers and employees.

How to Calculate FUTA Tax Liability

A company's FUTA tax liability is fairly straightforward to calculate. A company is subject to FUTA taxes on the first $7,000 of payments made to an employee excluding exempt payments. The FUTA tax rate is 6%, and employers often receive a credit of up to 5.4% against this tax.

Suppose that Employee A was paid $10,000 in wages subject to FUTA taxes while Employee B was paid $5,000 in wages subject to FUTA taxes—both in the first quarter. Regarding Employee A, only the first $7,000 of wages per quarter are subject to the tax. Therefore, the tax liability is:

FUTA Liability = (Employee A's Eligible Wages + Employee B's Eligible Wages) x 6%

FUTA Liability = ($7,000 + $5,000) x $6%

The company's FUTA tax liability would be $720. Note that the company may be eligible for a tax credit of $648 ($12,000 x 5.4%); if this is the case, the company would only owe $72.

The Federal Unemployment Tax Act requires employers to file IRS Form 940 annually to report the paying of their FUTA taxes. IRS Form 940 generally must be filed in the first quarter of the year.

Who Pays the FUTA Tax?

The reporting requirements for FUTA vary on the underlying entity that is remitting the taxes to the IRS. FUTA taxes can be paid annually or quarterly, and the amount of an employer's FUTA tax liability determines when the tax must be paid. Here are the different reporting requirements for various types of entities or employers.


According to the IRS, a business owes FUTA if it meets one of two requirements. There are two broad measurements to determine whether a business must collect and remit FUTA, and a company only needs to satisfy one of the two following conditions in order to be required to remit FUTA:

  1. It paid at least $1,500 in wages during any calendar quarter in the current or previous year.
  2. It had at least one full-time, part-time, or temporary employee for at least some part of a day in any 20 or more different weeks in the current or previous year.


A calendar quarter is January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December.

Household Employers

There is a different set of reporting requirements for household employers, those who hire a nanny, babysitter, maid, housekeeper, or other people to provide services within one's private home. Household employers must pay FUTA tax on wages if the following two conditions are met:

  1. Cash wages of $1,000 or more were paid to a household employee in any quarter during the year.
  2. The household employee performs household work in a private home, local college club, or local chapter of a college fraternity.

Household employers can opt to file and report FUTA taxes using Schedule H via Form 1040 instead of Form 940.

Agricultural Employers

Another varying set of requirements exists for agricultural or farming employers. If the employer meets either of the conditions below, they are subject to FUTA tax collection and reporting:

  1. Cash wages of $20,000 or more were paid to farmworkers during any calendar quarter during the year.
  2. Ten or more farmworkers were employed during some part of the day during any 20 or more varying weeks within a calendar year.

Other Employers

Indian tribal governments are exempt from the FUTA tax. However, the tribe must have participated in the state unemployment system for the entire year and be compliant with prevailing unemployment laws. Religious, educational, scientific, charitable, or other tax-exempt organizations are also exempt from FUTA. Services performed by state or local government parties are also exempt.


If you're filing your last Form 940 because your business has closed or you have stopped paying wages, you can select Box D in the top right corner of the form to notify the IRS.

How to Pay and Report FUTA Taxes

There are two components to FUTA: depositing FUTA taxes and filing the appropriate tax form. Companies that owe $500 or more of FUTA in a calendar year must make at least one quarterly payment. The IRS permits any single quarterly tax liability of less than $500 to be rolled to the next period.

FUTA must usually be deposited at the end of the month after quarter-end. For example, with the first quarter ending March 31, FUTA taxes in Q1 are due for deposit by April 30. The IRS also requires all federal tax deposits to be made via electronic funds transfer.

The tax form is often due in full early in the calendar year. Form 940 is considered to be on time as long as it is properly addressed and postmarked before the due date.

FUTA can be reported via Form 940 electronically using the IRS' electronic filing platform. Taxpayers wanting to mail in a paper form will have varying mailing addresses based on the state they are in.

If the due date for filing falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, IRS guidelines mandate that the return is subsequently due the next business day.

Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) vs. State Unemployment Tax Act (SUTA)

Many states collect an additional unemployment tax from employers as per the State Unemployment Tax Act. The SUTA taxes range from 0% to 18.78% of an employee's wages.

Paying SUTA taxes can lessen the burden of FUTA taxes. As noted above, employers can take a tax credit of up to 5.4% of taxable income if they pay state unemployment taxes in full and on time. This amount is deducted from the amount of employee federal unemployment taxes owed.

An employer that qualifies for the highest credit will have a net tax rate of 0.6% (calculated as 6% minus 5.4%). Thus, the minimum amount an employer can pay in FUTA tax is $42 per employee. However, companies that are exempt from state unemployment taxes do not qualify for the FUTA credit.

Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) vs. Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA)

While FUTA is used to fund unemployment benefits, Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) taxes are different in several ways. FICA taxes are paid by both the employer and the employee. The tax is split evenly between the two, though self-employed individuals are usually responsible for both portions.

FICA is intended to fund different government programs. These taxes are used to provide Social Security and Medicare benefits. It is automatically deducted from employee paychecks, and federal law dictates that it is furnished by workers and their employers.

Special Considerations

Wages that an employer pays to their spouse, a child under the age of 21, or parents do not count as FUTA wages. Payments such as fringe benefits, group term life insurance benefits, and employer contributions to employee retirement accounts are not included in the tax calculation for the federal unemployment tax.

Form 940 can be amended for a previous year. When the prior year's information needs to be updated, the IRS requests using the subsequent year to reflect the change.

Various authorized personnel are allowed to sign Form 940 and remit the reporting of FUTA taxes. In general, a business owner, president, vice president, principal officer, fiduciary overseeing an estate, authorized partner, or officer knowing the affairs of a company may be allowed to sign the form.

What Is the FUTA Tax in the U.S.?

FUTA stands for Federal Unemployment Tax Act. The law imposes a payroll tax on employers to fund unemployment programs in the United States. A company is usually responsible for a tax of 6% on every employee's wages up to $7,000 per year. A company may often be eligible to receive a credit of up to 5.4%.

What Is FUTA vs. FICA?

FUTA is a payroll tax implemented on just an employer to help fund federal unemployment programs. FICA is a payroll tax implemented on both the employer and employee that provides funding for Medicare and Social Security.

Who Is Subject to FUTA?

Most businesses are subject to FUTA if they have employees. If a company pays wages of more than $1,500 to employees in any calendar quarter during the year, they are subject to FUTA. In addition, if one or more employees worked part of a day in 20 or more different weeks during the year, the company they work for is subject to FUTA.

The Bottom Line

The Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) is only imposed on employers—not employees. This means that, as an employee, you don't have to pay this additional tax. Taxes collected through the Federal Unemployment Tax Act are used to fund unemployment insurance programs along with those collected by individual states.

What Is FUTA? Definition and How to Calculate FUTA Liability (2024)


What Is FUTA? Definition and How to Calculate FUTA Liability? ›

The amount of FUTA tax you pay is based on your company's annual payroll. According to the IRS, the FUTA tax rate is 6.0%. The tax applies to only the first USD 7,000 of wages for each employee during the year. This USD 7,000 is referred to as the federal or FUTA wage base.

What is FUTA and how is it calculated? ›

The FUTA tax rate is 6% on the first $7,000 of an employee's wages—and if you pay state unemployment taxes, your business is eligible for a tax credit of up to 5.4% to lower your FUTA tax rate to 0.6%.

What is FUTA? ›

The Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), with state unemployment systems, provides for payments of unemployment compensation to workers who have lost their jobs. Most employers pay both a Federal and a state unemployment tax.

What does liable under FUTA mean? ›

Federal unemployment tax liability. The Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) imposes a payroll tax on employers, based on the wages they pay to their employees. Unlike some other payroll taxes, the business itself must pay the FUTA tax.

What is an example of a FUTA tax? ›

For example, if Employer XYZ pays one employee $15,000 annually and the other $5,000 annually, it would pay a total of $720 in unemployment taxes as only one employee earns over $7,000 a year. Because the other employee earns only $5,000 annually, Employer XYZ would only pay 6.0% of that $5,000.

What is the FUTA rule? ›

Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) was the bill passed in 1939 that established a payroll tax to fund unemployment benefits. The tax is 6% of the first $7,000 that each employee makes in a year, and the employer is responsible for all of the tax unlike similar payroll taxes.

How is the FUTA calculated for 2024? ›

The amount of FUTA tax you pay is based on your company's annual payroll. According to the IRS, the FUTA tax rate is 6.0%. The tax applies to the first USD 7,000 of wages for each employee during the year. This USD 7,000 is referred to as the federal or FUTA wage base.

How to calculate FUTA and suta example? ›

Sample Calculation

Each of these employees earns an annual taxable income of $10,000, bringing the total wages to $100,000. In such a case, the tax is applied to the first $7,000 in wages paid to each employee. Therefore, the company's annual FUTA tax will be 0.06 x $7,000 x 10 = $4,200.

Is FUTA $42 per employee? ›

Unlike other payroll taxes, no portion of the FUTA tax is withheld from the employee's paycheck. Instead, the employer simply calculates and pays the tax on their own. Luckily, the FUTA tax only comes out to about $42 per employee (except for California and New York, which are $84 per employee).

What is the FUTA limit? ›

FUTA tax rate: The FUTA tax rate is 6.0%. The tax applies to the first $7,000 you paid to each employee as wages during the year. The $7,000 is often referred to as the federal or FUTA wage base.

What income is excluded from FUTA? ›

Some employee wages are exempt from Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA tax) because the wages are not included in the definition of wages or the services are not included in the definition of employment. Wages exempt from FUTA tax may include but are not limited to the following: Dependent care. Fringe benefits.

Is FUTA tax deductible? ›

The deductible FUTA tax is first reduced by any credits for the employer's contributions to the state unemployment fund ( Code Sec. 3302(a)(1)). The tax is deductible when paid for a taxpayer on the cash method of accounting ( ¶1515).

What condition would make a household employer a covered employer under FUTA? ›

Pay total cash wages of $1,000 or more in any calendar quarter of 2023 or 2024 to household employees. Pay FUTA tax. The tax is 6% of cash wages. Wages over $7,000 a year per employee aren't taxed.

What does FUTA mean? ›

FUTA stands for Federal Unemployment Tax Act. The law imposes a payroll tax on employers to fund unemployment programs in the United States. A company is usually responsible for a tax of 6% on every employee's wages up to $7,000 per year. A company may often be eligible to receive a credit of up to 5.4%.

How much is FUTA tax? ›

The FUTA tax levies a federal tax on employers covered by a state's UI program. The standard FUTA tax rate is 6.0% on the first $7,000 of wages subject to FUTA. The funds from the FUTA tax create the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund, administered by the United States Department of Labor (DOL).

What states have FUTA tax? ›

For tax year 2023, California, New York, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are FUTA credit reduction states.

What percentage does FUTA take from employers? ›

Generally, federal law provides employers with a 5.4 percent FUTA tax credit toward the 6.0 percent regular tax when they file their federal Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return (Form 940).

What is the difference between FICA and FUTA? ›

FICA stands forFederal Insurance Contributions Act and funds Social Security and Medicare. FUTA stands for Federal Unemployment Tax Act and funds (you guessed it) unemployment benefits.

What is the FUTA earnings limit? ›

States are required to maintain a SUI taxable wage base of no less than the limit set under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). The 2024 FUTA wage limit of $7,000 has remained unchanged since 1983, despite increases in the federal minimum wage and annual cost-of-living adjustments over the last 41 years.

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