The Franklin Sun from Winnsboro, Louisiana (2024)

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The Franklin Sun Wlnnsboro La May 30 1957 9 Ward One Farmer Grosses $42 Per Acre With Soybeans ThUmn nf WBrd one vv Thurman nf wbu! one Oak Grove Among Franklin Parish Negro Citizens (II Joe Singleton) Second Baccalaureate Services Held Sunday Roosevelt Pine was pianist and Frank Dolton band director was in charge of music for the church Mrs Louis Simon visited her brother in Monroe Sunday However she took time to bring flow- Jo Ann Ellerman announces the arrival of a baby sister "Hie pre- lo lhe cjurch Her flowers are ttiest baby In the world" She Is beautlful occasion The Rev Holmes offered the baccalaureate prayer Sun Shines Ity Jaime Taylor Cruse Have You Iteen Shot Yet? If you're between 20 and Vb have you had a folio shot yet? If you haven't you really should take advantage of the $1 special being offered by the parish chapter of the National foundation for Infantile Faralyais and the Franklin Parish Medical society with the cooperation of the health unit during a series of clinics Slated for the next few weeks We think a pair of young parents Mr and Mrs Wlnton Iof-ton of Wlnnsboro had a fine Idea They came together to be Monday night Tbe shots really are virtually painless First hand experience qualifies me to say your arm won't even be very rore Come on outl rppoils an average ytehl of 20 bushels an arre from a field of FfYllp'1 Mflr 15 1950 Tlie field Ls located on ridge soil No fertilizer was used and three fourth bushel per acre was planted The beans were cultivated twice and both times the cultivation were extremely shallow to prevent root pruning The beans were sold for $210 per bushel and grossed $42 per acre Means are a soil builder and Mr Thurman followed the beans with oats last fall In early spring of this year Mr Thurman slated that he decided If his oats needed any nitrogen or not following the bean residue turned urnler after harvest The newi elevator In Wlnnsboro will be a market outlet for those desiring to use It This will save a 40-45 mile haul of beans to tnar- The second baccalaureate services in Wisner-Gilbert High history were conducted Sunday for the largest group of seniors the school has graduated More than a quarter of 100 students will receive diplomas this session The Rev Thomas Austin delivered the baccalaureate sermon California Minister Delivers Grad Sermon The annual baccalaureate service was conducted Sunday at 2 at the Franklin Parish Training school The Rev Clyde Ignont of Oakland Calif delivered the sermon A Grant directed the choir Read Romans Yisner Theatre Sun-Mon June 2-3 Dan pailey and Ginger Rogers "Oh Men Oh Women" (IN TECHNICOLOR) WnL-TInin Juntr 5-fi Gary Cooper and Paulette Goddard "Unconquered" (IN TECIINICOIjOII) MM a Fri-Rat June 7-8 James Darren and Laurie Carroll "Rumble On The Docks" the youngest daughter of- Mr and Mrs Edward Ellerman and arrived In Wlnnsboro Friday night May 24 She has been named Betty Lurline We are happy to welcome little Betty into our community and will be looking for her in church in the near future Mr and Mrs Walen Watson visited in Miss in the home of Mr and Mrs Easterling Sunday and from there went to an old scared harp-singing at Beulah church Mr and Mrs Melt Cheek and Don Mr and Mrs Enon Boyette attended the graduation exercises at Louisiana college Tuesday night Mrs Frankie Burns who has recently undergone an operation at St Frances sanitarium was removed to fhe home of her daughter Mrs Spedo Kokino in Monroe She will be home In a short while The Rev and Mrs Ratcliff will go to Georgetown Sunday to begin a 12-day revival On June 9 the Rev Monroe Ever-gen of Jena will conduct morning services In the Oak Grove FINDS SOYUEANfFGOOD CASH Tliur-an of Wfe'd one stands amidst a field of soybeanplanted as casircrep last year man a Rambling Egg WltMn An Egg Newest hens-capade- heard about here at The Sun is the egg within an egg laid by a New Hampshire Red belonging to Holland Wollerson of route four Talented Local Girl Judged Best Actress Ida Julia Ervin daughter of Mary Ervin Marton resident of Wlnnsboro wbs judged best actress In the a presentation of the Southern university drama group the The play a three-act comedy was an event of May 17 The student one of Southern most talented Is a sophom*ore there She Is a 1950 graduate of the Franklin Parish Training school Local Teacher Is Graduation Speaker Gliss Singleton vocational agriculture teacher at the (Wisner-Gilbert High school delivered the annual commencement aadress at Waverly High school according to Blount principal Singleton Is president of the Franklin Parish Education association vice-president of the Fifth District Education association and a member of the advisory council of the Louisiana Vocational Teachers association Principal Blount states that Singleton was among the first Students he taught at the Franklin Parish Training school after his graduation from Southern university He expressed his pride In his multiple accomplishments the homes of some of these chll-1 dren causing them to miss school Nevertheless there were Still 21 receiving certificates for perfect attendance Friday morning They were: first grade Cathy Spell second Charles LaDorde and Jerry Warbington third Jah-1s La Horde Sue IiCe and Linda Jarkle Cathy and Nlckle spent Sunday In Chatham with Mrs Smith's mother Mrs Hill Bfnith Mrs Crri Simmons spent last Wlnnsboro week witti her daughter Mrs I Hollin- brought the or Lois Fordham and family In West! Monroe and her aon George week and It (they) Is (are) Smith and family In Monroe currently on display In our window The shell of the Nell Vickers fourth Janls Mul- Mr and Mrs Lariy Dickie and has bpeI1 rrack Hns Allen Easterling Donnie i baby returned home to Montana Cupp and nonila Rarton sixth Thursday after a two weeks' va- ed open to reveal a second normal-sized egg within In addition to Hie complete egg the note to the Lions for a kindness shown her during a recent Illness added Mrs Waller to the note told me to sign this note Waller so he have to pay a fine I think you ought to fine him for being ao stingy" The tailtwlster Charlie (Charlie that is) Nelson obliged Ring While You Hrlve At 45 mph "Highways are Happy Ways" At 55 mph "I'm But A Stranger Here Heaven IxMy home" At C5 mph "Nearer My God To Thee!" At 75 mph "When the noil is Called up Yonder I'll Re At 05 mph "Iord I'm Coming Home" Denver Safety Council ration with Mr anil Mrs Archie Smith and oilier relatives egg also contained a half cup of Mr and Mrs Clarence Clark I waitnur white and yellow Reth Williamson Joy Faye Lee and Terry Rrown (In five years he has received five of thesftcer- Itificnles) seventh Larry Bradley and Carl Rrent eighth Ratty Ruth Williams and DorothjP V-J i 0 0 Go To Church Sunday TIMEil and Elaine of Raskin were Wednesday night guests of Mr and Mrs Allen Houston Graduate From Nursing School Misses Marion and Frankie Sue Simon daughters of Mr and Mrs Marlon Sirnon were among the 17 students graduating from Warner Rrown school of Nursing El Dorado Ark May 19 The graduation exercises were held In Hie Holy Redeemer Catholic church in FI Dorado Following the graduation a reception was given for the nurses Bnd their friends in the nurses' home One of Hie 17 graduates was a boy Jack Doland of Hamburg Ark Those attending the graduation from this community were Mr and Mrs Simon and their grandchildren Wemfall and Hedy Simon DO-IT YOURSELF Bur Awards Winners Announced Climating graduation exercised of Ward III Elementary school Friday morning was the tation of American Legion and awards to four members of the eighth grade class American I legion awards went to Robert Ulmer and Hetty Ruth Williams Laura Melle Houston and Narval Wallers were WjR wards winners Events of jjlie graduation rises were as follows: Processional Mrs Mc-i Clung invocation and devotional' the Itev Sammy PaceColumhla the Gem of the Orfc" class welcoming address LnJla Iletle Houston Sunshine" class Goodness Sandra Scott presentation of legion awards the Rev Smilli "Sanla lAicla" class clasiQwill Hetty Ruth Wlltiams presentation of awards 'Williamson principal In the absence of Raker closing address Robert Ulmer presentation of certificates George r-oggius ward three school board member awarding of perfect at tendance certificates Mr llamson Sweet Spring! ime" class and benediction Hie Rev Harmon Weeks rninia Jeau Gives Class Party Miss Emma Jean Kimbrough entertained the graduation class Ward HI school Friday night willi a party in the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Johnny Kimbrough Each member invited a friend andlie large crowd of young folks spent the evening in playing games playing the phonograph and learning to do the Rock 'n Roll Muring the evening Mrs Kimbrough assisted by Mrs Rosa Keys Clara Ann Mrs Nicholas and Mrs Houston served randies cookies and cold drinks to the guests Sl SEE US FOR MATERIALS 3 Years To Pay With An FHA Title 1 Loan Here's The Answer And speaking of hens Shd eggs the question has been argued for years and years We mean the question came first the hen or the egg Just this week we found the answer to that question and here it Is: egg came long before the chicken Birds are an offshoot of reptile stock that was laying eggs millions of years before the first bird flew" So there! v' Thomas lloone a Sun staff member was delighted with the cartoon of a hen patting a puppy on the head which appeared in Ripley's "Relieve It or Not" The lien which made It or Not" after adopting a litter of puppies belongs to Thomas's dad 0 Hiram Can't Win Attempting to explain the Lions cluH tailtwlster and his duties to new member Liu tier II Glover remarked Hie tail twister might fine any club mem-ber for most anything instance he might fine SheriH Hiram It Waller for not combing his hair" declared Mr Glover pointing to our familiar and quite bare pate This reminds us of the time Mrs Waller wrote a thank-you Mr and Mrs Raymond Montgomery leaders of the primary Training union department of Sievendale Baptist church In Raton Rouge who were studying home and families invited their primary class and the parents home with them May 19 Each family brought if basket of food along to be served as on the ground" to: Mr and Mrs Hoover Jimmie and Donna Mngand Mrs Hurst Roddy and Sheryl Mr and Mrs Em-melt Hines Florence Charles Ann and Raymond Mr and Mrs Ayinond Sandra Janice Ruth Audrey Ronnie and Eddie Mr and Mrs Robert Price Judy Peggy and Uobby Mr and Mrs Phillip Freeman Jackie and Fred Chandler Mr and Mrs Huggins Patricia and Helen the Rev and Mrs Hill Trimble Jer ry Reeky and Paul David Miss Elsie Honeycutt Daryl Ifrnl Jimmy Lapham Mr and Mrs Montgomery and Gloria and Jimmie Hostess On Airline Miss Lexie Smith daughter of Mr and Mrs Archie Smith is enjoying seeing the United States while In training to be an airline hostess Lexle who has lived In Monroe for three years flew from there to Indianapolis Minn on May 5 Later she flew to Washington 'C The next trip will be to Chicago she wrote to tier mother last week Mr and Mrs Iarry Rickie and baby Mrs Clara Smith Ann Mr and Mrs Spell and children were called to Mississippi Monday after the death of Mr Spell's nephew who was In service overseas The only information given in the telegram received by the Spells was that Hie young man was drowned and his body was being shipped home a Mkmomal Nay Tuiimjtk Oil this day we honor the brave men of our Nation who have given tlicir lives upon lhe altars of our freedom Their supreme sacrifice will never be forgotten and their example will serve as a source of inspiration as long as this shall last Japan's Inland Sea contains more islands than any similar body of water Jn the world Estimates of the number of Isles in the 250-mile-long sea run as high Sa 3000 TV A 0 0 4 I 0 MAY 30 Attendance Record Three months ago perfect attendance Type-Written Letters I Arc The Considerate Way To Correspond when the record was checked at Ward HI school there was a list of 40 names Those little germs called measles flu mumps and colds visited In Johns-Manville Roofing Use Thecficst $1101 Down $100 Ter Week ve you HEARD? Sj I WE WILL BE CLOSED TODAY IN LIEU OF THE ABOVE LEGAL HOLIDAY Complete Hanking Service Franklin Stale Bank Trust Co i Member of FIUC Winnsboro Wisncr 0 Try The Remington OfficcRitcr At The Franklin Office Supply Ph 4521 Martin's Hardware LumberXo 1710 Roland Winnsboro aX 9 0 INSURANCE For Every Need Savings BUSINESS DIRECTORY REAL ESTATE Thomas Williamson Phone 5402 And For Less Than You Arc Spending At Present! 0 Our Food Is Unconditionally Guaranteed The SAYVE-MOR Food 0 Motel Owen and Coffee Shop ft Good Meals it Courteous Servir WE WILL TRADE for Or Huy Your USED FURNITURE "Let Us Make A Home Of Yopr House Winnsboro Hdw and Furn Co Phone 5686 Franklin Office Just South Of Town On HIGHWAY 15 At TLc City Limits Phone 4588 Diamonds 4c Your Authorized Elgin Gifts of Jewelry Watches Dealer Mooro's Jewelry Phone 6169 Winnsboro Chevrolet Authorized Sales And Service CHEVROLET Out-Valucs Out-Sells All Others! llome-Ownoil and Operated Auto Accessories Radios Hatteries Tire Household Electric Appliances Faints Radio Repairs Sporting Goods Easy Terms Dial 4595 Winnsboro La Supply PIIONE 4521 Owen Cotton Lumber Hardware Johns-Mansville Roofing and Siding Pittsburgh Paints Birge and United Wall Papers Plumbing and Electrical Fixtures General Contracting Oil Field Drilling Mud Phone 4209 Winnsboro Is Your Insurance Adequate SEE US For All You Insurance Needs HOWER Insurance Agency Phone Winnsboro La 300 Prairie St Franklin Office Supply rilONE 4521 Let us print your new supply of letterheads envelopes statements Etc McDuff Furniture Company "Let Us Make A Home of Your Terms We Invite New Accounts Phone 4548 AIR-CONDITIONED Confacf Your Local SAYVE-MOR Motor Co Phone 4547 FOOD CONSULTANT-Dial 5535 Or Write: 600 Pinc Monroe La.

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The Franklin Sun from Winnsboro, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.