Teva 832 Pill (Yellow/Round) Uses, Dosage & Warnings - Healthpluscity (2024)

About Teva 832 Pill (Yellow/Round)

Teva 832 Pill (Yellow/Round) is a widely known antipsychotic pill containing Clonazepam 0.5 mg as an active ingredient.

Teva 832 Pill (Yellow/Round) is used in the treatment of:

  1. Epilepsy
  2. Panic disorder with or without agoraphobia
  3. Seizure prevention
Pill NameTeva 832 Pill
Active IngredientClonazepam 0.5mg
Pregnancy CategoryPregnancy Category D
SupplierTeva Pharmaceuticals USA.

How does it work?

The active ingredient of Teva 832 Pill (Clonazepam) works by increasing calming chemicals in the brain which helps in controlling Epilepsy and other panic disorders.

Key Facts of 832 Pill

Teva 832 Pill (Yellow/Round) Uses, Dosage & Warnings - Healthpluscity (1)
  • Teva 832 Pill does not cause addiction if used for a short duration but you should be always careful and use the prescribed dose properly to avoid further risk.
  • Drowsiness and Sleepiness are the most common side effects of 832 Pill.
  • It is advised to avoid alcohol while taking 832 Pill as it may cause severe headaches or sleepiness.
  • Talk to your doctor if you have any other conditions or taking other medications.

Dosage of Teva 832 Pill

Teva 832 Pill (Yellow/Round) Uses, Dosage & Warnings - Healthpluscity (2)

The dose of the Teva 832 Pill will be determined by the reason you’re taking the pill, and it will depend on the age of the individual.

It is suggested to follow the dose prescribed by your doctor. since he/she is the appropriate person to advise you on the appropriate dosage.

Usually, a single dose is a most commonly prescribed dosage however, your physician may raise the dose based on your health condition.

Precautions of Teva 832 Pill

Teva 832 Pill (Yellow/Round) Uses, Dosage & Warnings - Healthpluscity (3)

​Most adults and young people can use the Teva 832 tablet safely.There are certain precautions and warnings that you must be aware of.

Allergic Reactions

Do not take the Teva 832 pill If you are allergic to any ingredient of this pill. also, ask your doctor for an alternative pill if you are allergic to this pill.

Common allergic reactions are:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Skin rash
  • Skin itching
  • Tightness in chest

Alcohol Warnings

You should avoid taking alcohol with Teva 832 Pill as it may cause severe side effects like headache or sleepiness.

Precautions for people with other conditions

It is important to speak to your physician regarding your current illness or disorder because it could affect the effects of the Teva 835 pill.

Kidney & Liver disease: People with kidney or liver disorders should talk to a doctor first before taking the Teva 832 pill.

Heart Conditions: It is important to talk with your physician if you are at an increased risk of having a stroke or another heart disease.

Your doctor can explain the risks and benefits of taking the Teva 832 yellow pill and will help you choose the best treatment for you.

Pregnancy and nursing

Teva 832 pill shouldn’t be used during pregnancy cause it may be harmful to the fetus.

It is recommended to speak with your pharmacist or doctor regarding the risks and benefits of taking the Teva 832 pill while pregnant.

Drug interactions of Teva 832 pill

Teva 832 Pill (Yellow/Round) Uses, Dosage & Warnings - Healthpluscity (4)

Drug interactions can alter the effects of other medications.Here is the list of drugs that can interact with the Teva 823 pill.

  • fluconazole,
  • cimetidine,
  • aripiprazole,
  • zolpidem,
  • duloxetine,
  • escitalopram,
  • pregabalin,
  • fluoxetine,
  • levothyroxine,
  • topiramate,
  • cyanocobalamin.

Avoid taking herbal remedies to treat insomnia or anxiety, like passionflower or valerian along with Teva 823 pill.

They can intensify the effects of the Teva 823 pill on sleep and could also cause additional side effects.

Side effects of Teva 823 Pill

Like any other painkiller, the Teva 823 pill also causes some mild to moderate side effects.

However, there’s nothing to worry about them as they are very rare and most people don’t even get it.

  • constipation,
  • abdominal pain,
  • nausea,
  • fatigue,
  • blurred vision,
  • drowsiness,
  • dizziness,
  • light-headedness,
  • nervousness,
  • poor concentration,
  • restlessness,
  • sleep disturbances,
  • nightmares.

It is advised to contact your doctor immediately if you feel any of these side effects causing trouble in your day-to-day activities.

Storage of Teva 832 Pill

It is advised to store Teva 832 pill in an airtight container and keep it away from direct sunlight.

You should avoid keeping it in moist or damp areas as it may cause harm to the pill.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Teva 832 Pill?

    Teva 832 Pill (Yellow/Round) is a widely known antipsychotic pill containing Clonazepam 0.5 mg as an active ingredient.

  2. How does Teva 832 Pill work?

    The active ingredient of Teva 832 Pill (Clonazepam) works by increasing calming chemicals in the brain which helps in controlling Epilepsy and other panic disorders.

  3. What if I miss any dose of Teva 832 Pill?

    In case of any missed dose, take it as soon as you remember it. However, it is recommended to skip the missed dose if it is almost time for the next dose. never take a double dose in case of a missed dose.

  4. Is it safe to take Teva 832 Pill and alcohol together?

    No, it’s not advised to drink alcohol along with Teva 832 pill as it can trigger sleepiness, breathing problems and heart-related problems.

  5. Are there any foods we need to avoid while taking Teva 832 Pill?

    It is recommended to avoid eating foods that contain caffeine, like coffee, tea and chocolates, etc. While taking Teva 832 Pill.It is because caffeine is a stimulant to your brain while Teva 832 Pill soothes the brain.

  6. Can I drive a vehicle after taking Teva 832 Pill?

    No, Teva 832 Pill causes dizziness and sleepiness which may cause trouble focusing.

  7. Is Teva 832 Pill addictive in nature?

    People who are taking Teva 832 Pill in large doses or for a prolonged time may develop a dependence on it.People who have an alcohol-related history or substance abuse have a higher chance of developing dependent on the Teva 832 Pill.


Teva 832 Pill (Yellow/Round) Uses, Dosage & Warnings - Healthpluscity (2024)
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