Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (2024)

Building a good team in Hero Wars is about hero synergies, not about placing all your best heroes down into one team composition. The better your heroes synergize with each other, the more effective your team will be.

When looking for good teams, you often either get a list of the best heroes in Hero Wars (don’t get me wrong, we also have a very solid tier list for the individual heroes here), but often times they don’t take synergy into account or they use heroes that you don’t have so these fixed teams won’t help you much.

In our guide, I will show you the best synergies between heroes that you need to know about so you can build a team around those combos that fit your hero roaster, not vice versa. I also give you suggestions how to complete strong hero combinations into a team, but that’s more like a recommendation.

Important! Below you will find a selection of the meta teams that ruun the show in Hero Wars right now butwhat if you don’t have the heroes you need or not built them up enough? In this case please scroll to thesecond part below where you will find good ways to build a team around the heroes YOU have.

Top 10 Best Meta Teams in Hero Wars Right Now

Here are the best teams overall in Hero Wars right now. Again, if you don’t have the heroes I have a section below that will show you how to build good teams around the heroes you have, simply select the hero and there you go.

HYDRA TEAMS: I have moved the hydra teams out of this guide or it would have been simply too much… you can find the best hydra teams (for each head) now here.

Please mind that this is not a ranked list!

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (1)

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This team works really well in the arena as you have a ton of support that helps Corvus stay alive and tank and keep the opponent busy while Keira deals her damage. The heroes synergies is really high in this team so make sure you have all heroes built up well here to make them work well.

Here are the builds I recommend for the heroes:






Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (6)

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This is also an arena team but it works more on the control side with Jorgen stealing energy all over the place while the other heroes help keeping your team up and Keira dealing damage. This team, however, depends heavily on Jorgen so make sure to be able to keep him alive or the team might collapse like a house of cards.

Here are the builds I recommend for the heroes:






Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (11)

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Thisarena team is a little bit more balanced with 2 support and 2 damage dealers in the team so you have less of a bottleneck or encounter the situation where you opponent takes out a key hero and your team collapses. Enough support on Galahad to take the hits and Keira normally deals enough damage to take out the enemy.

Here are the builds I recommend for the heroes:




Qing Mao


Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (16)

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This is a more advanced team and requires quite some heavy investment but it is the team that can deal with most meta teams in the arena right now. Astaroth and Jorgen shield and also slow down the opponent heroes while making enough space for K’arkh to load up and perform his high-damage attacks. Faceless primarily controls and messes with the opponent’s energy and if he copies K’arkhs skill it’s normally a victory.

Here are the builds I recommend for the heroes:






An alternative setup is using Martha instead of Jorgen for less control but more healing, depending on the opponent setup you’re facing:

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (21)

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (22)

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Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (24)

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (25)

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Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (27)

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Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (30)

This team is a perfect team tocounter the twins (Krista + Lars) as Rufus is an incredible tank against mage teams. Keira is your damage dealer here and Martha and Dorian provide healing and support.

Here are the builds I recommend for the heroes:






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This team deals well withmagic teams not matter what in Hero Wars as you can burn their energy really fast with Tristan and Fafnir and Artemis will ramp up penetration. You have to carefully use it, though, as some teams can appear to be magic teams and then bite you in the back very badly.

Here are the builds I recommend for the heroes:






Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (36)

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This team is a multi-purpose team in Hero Wars that is very balanced and can deal with all kinds of setups if you manage to level up the heroes well enough.

Here are the builds I recommend for the heroes:






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Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (42)

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Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (45)

The twins team that can’t be missed here as they are still after so many years working so incredibly well in Hero Wars. Combined with Martha who heals a ton and Astaroth who can take care of your team. This is the setup that you most-frequently encounter for a reason.

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This is also a well-balanced team I often use, depending on the enemy setup. The abilities of the heroes go well together and enhance each other so you don’t have a single point where the opponent can mess up your synergies easily.

Here are the builds I recommend for the heroes:






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Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (55)

And this team here finalizes our current list of 10 meta teams that perform really well in Hero Wars with many cool features if you did the invest on the heroes. I love using this one, but I am also aware that having a hero like Cleaver in here is not everybody’s cup of tea.

Here are the builds I recommend for the heroes:






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Also a rounded team setup that works with a lot of tech through Isaac and Sebastian, but be aware that you have to have your heroes really high to make it work.

The Best Teams for EVERY Hero in Hero Wars

In the first part you will now see good hero combinations that you can use and build a team around. If you’re looking for full team compositions (more related to end-game), please check the second section below.

Building a good team in Hero Wars always revolves around having hero(es) to tank, some damage dealers and support heroes, ideally able to heal up everything tanking and keeping everyone alive.

Below you will see a list of all heroes that will take you to a guide that shows you which heroes to combine them well with. This helps if you have a particular hero built up well in Hero Wars but missing some key heroes above to form the meta teams so you can still find options to make a team that has a lot of synergy.

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (61)


See the best working teams that build around Aidan's kit here:

Best Aidan Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (62)


See the best working teams that build around Alvanor's kit here:

Best Alvanor Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (63)


See the best working teams that build around Amira's kit here:

Best Amira Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (64)


See the best working teams that build around Andvari's kit here:

Best Andvari Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (65)


See the best working teams that build around Arachne's kit here:

Best Arachne Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (66)


See the best working teams that build around Artemis's kit here:

Best Artemis Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (67)


See the best working teams that build around Astaroth's kit here:

Best Astaroth Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (68)

Astrid and Lucas

See the best working teams that build around Astrid and Lucas's kit here:

Best Astrid and Lucas Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (69)


See the best working teams that build around Aurora's kit here:

Best Aurora Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (70)


See the best working teams that build around Cascade's kit here:

Best Cascade Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (71)


See the best working teams that build around Celeste's kit here:

Best Celeste Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (72)


See the best working teams that build around Chabba's kit here:

Best Chabba Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (73)


See the best working teams that build around Cleaver's kit here:

Best Cleaver Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (74)


See the best working teams that build around Cornelius's kit here:

Best Cornelius Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (75)


See the best working teams that build around Corvus's kit here:

Best Corvus Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (76)


See the best working teams that build around Dante's kit here:

Best Dante Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (77)


See the best working teams that build around Daredevil's kit here:

Best Daredevil Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (78)

Dark Star

See the best working teams that build around Dark Star's kit here:

Best Dark Star Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (79)


See the best working teams that build around Dorian's kit here:

Best Dorian Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (80)


See the best working teams that build around Elmir's kit here:

Best Elmir Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (81)


See the best working teams that build around Faceless's kit here:

Best Faceless Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (82)


See the best working teams that build around Fafnir's kit here:

Best Fafnir Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (83)


See the best working teams that build around Fox's kit here:

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (84)


See the best working teams that build around Galahad's kit here:

Best Galahad Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (85)


See the best working teams that build around Ginger's kit here:

Best Ginger Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (86)


See the best working teams that build around Heidi's kit here:

Best Heidi Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (87)


See the best working teams that build around Helios's kit here:

Best Helios Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (88)


See the best working teams that build around Iris's kit here:

Best Iris Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (89)


See the best working teams that build around Isaac's kit here:

Best Isaac Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (90)


See the best working teams that build around Ishmael's kit here:

Best Ishmael Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (91)


See the best working teams that build around Jet's kit here:

Best Jet Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (92)


See the best working teams that build around Jhu's kit here:

Best Jhu Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (93)


See the best working teams that build around Jorgen's kit here:

Best Jorgen Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (94)


See the best working teams that build around Judge's kit here:

Best Judge Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (95)


See the best working teams that build around Julius's kit here:

Best Julius Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (96)


See the best working teams that build around K'arkh's kit here:

Best K'arkh Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (97)


See the best working teams that build around Kai's kit here:

Best Kai Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (98)


See the best working teams that build around Kayla's kit here:

Best Kayla Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (99)


See the best working teams that build around Keira's kit here:

Best Keira Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (100)


See the best working teams that build around Krista's kit here:

Best Krista Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (101)

Lara Croft

See the best working teams that build around Lara Croft's kit here:

Best Lara Croft Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (102)


See the best working teams that build around Lars's kit here:

Best Lars Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (103)


See the best working teams that build around Lian's kit here:

Best Lian Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (104)


See the best working teams that build around Lilith's kit here:

Best Lilith Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (105)


See the best working teams that build around Luther's kit here:

Best Luther Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (106)


See the best working teams that build around Markus's kit here:

Best Markus Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (107)


See the best working teams that build around Martha's kit here:

Best Martha Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (108)


See the best working teams that build around Maya's kit here:

Best Maya Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (109)


See the best working teams that build around Mojo's kit here:

Best Mojo Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (110)


See the best working teams that build around Morrigan's kit here:

Best Morrigan Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (111)

Mushy & Shroom

See the best working teams that build around Mushy & Shroom's kit here:

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (112)


See the best working teams that build around Nebula's kit here:

Best Nebula Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (113)


See the best working teams that build around Octavia's kit here:

Best Octavia Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (114)


See the best working teams that build around Orion's kit here:

Best Orion Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (115)


See the best working teams that build around Peppy's kit here:

Best Peppy Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (116)


See the best working teams that build around Phobos's kit here:

Best Phobos Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (117)

Qing Mao

See the best working teams that build around Qing Mao's kit here:

Best Qing Mao Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (118)


See the best working teams that build around Rufus's kit here:

Best Rufus Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (119)


See the best working teams that build around Satori's kit here:

Best Satori Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (120)


See the best working teams that build around Sebastian's kit here:

Best Sebastian Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (121)


See the best working teams that build around Soleil's kit here:

Best Soleil Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (122)


See the best working teams that build around Thea's kit here:

Best Thea Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (123)


See the best working teams that build around Tristan's kit here:

Best Tristan Teams

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See the best working teams that build around Xe'Sha's kit here:

Best Xe'Sha Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (125)


See the best working teams that build around Yasmine's kit here:

Best Yasmine Teams

Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (126)


See the best working teams that build around Ziri's kit here:

Best Ziri Teams

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Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies (2024) - AllClash (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.