794 reviews46 followers
Many of my friends really liked this book, so I feel somewhat uncomfortable in that I'm going to completely disagree with them on this book. First of all, I can't imagine that Falling Stars is anything but a loosely disguised 50/Twi-fic. I'm fairly sure that the only editing done on this was a quick run through a spellchecker, because the homophones, grammar, and punctuation were horrible. So. Where was I? Oh, the story! Yes. Well, an all boys band with a troubled lead singer goes on tour with an all girl band and the boys and girls all eventually hook up. The End (I'm guessing, here. I quit about halfway through). I wrote something very similar to this when I was in High School, for all of my girlfriends. I was 16.Christian Christopher Masen Mason, Jasper Jackson, Emmett Elliot, Jacob Jimmy, etc. Not to mention the stepmother, Esme Gwen's caramel colored hair, and stepfather, Carlisle Nicholas who looks so fine. That's not counting Alice Laney, Rosalie Serena, and pseudo Jessica and what's the name of Bella's other high school friend? And those are just the characters...
Alexis *Reality Bites*
757 reviews3,663 followers
Spoiler Free Review OK, I had a nights rest and a few things have been changed. What you need to know before reading this book. **Inhales, Exhales** Christopher Mason is a six and a half foot tall lead singer of The Forgotten. He is a groupie loving man whore that is fighting deep dark secrets from the past that resurface as nightmares. Nightmares from a horrific night that changed his life forever. The pain from his night terrors cause him to rely heavily on pills and alcohol to subdue the trauma. But it never does... Business meet Pleasure in Battle of the sexes Chris is instantly drawn to Hushed Mentality lead singer Mia. Just not in the way you're thinking. Bottom line. He can't stand her. In fact he sets out to destroy her and her band mates. Which turns out to be useless because we all know there is a thin line between love and hate. "Mia, you're trying to catch a falling star." Chris tried to fight his internal demons all the wrong ways... 'My fist cracked the screen. Blood immediately started seeping from my knuckles. In the bathroom, I tried to wash my hands. My reflection made me pause. The red marks on my chest from Stacia's attempt to escape me were clear. It looked like an animal had clawed my skin. No, I was the animal, the monster. An animalistic scream roared from my chest. First thing first, my only dislikes were that this book had quite a few grammatical errors. Second the book was super repetitive for the first 17 to 20 percent. Given in dual pov's the author would repeat conversations verbatim. It seemed after a while the writer caught her rhythm and the story was able to flow. Overall I believe Grubor gave readers an emotionally raw story with great characters that you will fall head over heels in love with. I loved the band mates in each group every personality contributed to my enjoyment of the book. Each person adding something to the mix. Jackson was the gentle giant standing at nearly seven feet tall. Serena was the over protective mother hen. Laney was the shop-a-holic diva. Kat was fun and outgoing and Elliot was a big kid at heart. "Mia, I told you how I feel. I'm an asshole and I don't say or show how I feel very often, so how about you just fucking enjoy it." "Just remember to treat her good because as the Chief of Police, I have connections and a legal right to carry and use firearms." Mia's Inner hooker was hilarious check her out 'With our chests pressed together and his arms around me tightly, his sudden roll brought my leg up over his hip. My inner hooker slipped on her crotchless panties and stilettos, ready to dance on his pole.' And when memories from a sexual encounter the night before come crashing back her inner hooker revels in it 'A brief moment of satisfyingly good memories from last night passed through my mind. My inner hooker lounged back puffing out smoke rings.' My Ratings
3.5 STARS out of 5
Genre: Contemporary Romance
SIDENOTE: This will be revised on 11/14/12. After a nights rest...
From what I read this book was originally written as a fan-fic so you will see small similarities to two popular series Beautiful Disasterand Twilight. Some say Fifty Shades of Grey too, but after a good nights rest I beg to differ.
Ok, so... I am unsure about how to rate this... Yes, I enjoyed it. But some things interrupted my joy. We will discuss that later in this review in my 'thoughts' section. A review I probably should not be writing right now because my emotions need time to settle. WHATEVER, here goes nothing.
Business brings Hushed mentality an up and coming all female band on tour with The forgotten. A well known all male band with top charting hits. A tension filled meeting ensues with the bands but it does not last long. Because honestly how long can a group of sexy men and women last without trying to rip each others clothes off? Not long.
When his fueled rage turns in to lust, lines are crossed. Mia struggles to help Chris keep his sanity. Her attempts are futile when he refuses to get the help he truly needs.
~Laney to Mia
"I will not be like him! It wasn’t my fault!"
My reflection still taunted me.' ~Christopher
I really waged a war on how to rate this. The story gripped me like a 4 star read. However the writing style made me re-think my rating.
Around 30% the flow became consistent and the story took off. OH, oh and wait... What happened to Mia's inner hooker? She made appearances midway through the book then up and disappeared. I really liked her too, she was salacious. LOL!!
Chris- I have to be honest when I first got in to the mind of Christopher Mason he came across as a self absorbed asshole. Emotionally he was a total wreck and unstable. He had moments when he would have these childish outburst. He would act like a damn kid with his whole "I don't want them here" - "Nobody asked me" attitude. He also had the ability to go APE-SHIT CRAZY in a nano second WITH OUT WARNING. And he did so with no regard for anyone else but his damn self. THAT was a problem... Slowly he won me and Mia over, with the help of a therapist of course. **smirks**
Mia- I loved Mia! Not too many chicks can resist a six foot six rock star. Minor Spoiler-> LOL! Mia did not for one second put up with the bullsh*t Chris threw her way. She helped him battle his demons in a way no other person managed and it still seemed to not be enough.
Scene Setup: When Laney asks Mia how she and Chris are getting along while working together, Mia replies
"Same ass, same hole,"
~John, Mia's dad
Scene Setup: When Chris and Mia sleep together in the same bed minus the sex part she wakes up wrapped around Chris. Her inner hooker takes notice
Characters- Lovable and Witty
Writing Style- Fair, and became more solid 30% in to the book and continued to the end
Plot/Storyline- Intense and Highly Emotional
Steam Factor- Medium/Moderately Steamy
Overall- I enjoyed it! READ IT!!!
Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it on Goodreads!
- alpha_male contemporary_romance discovery
Kristy Mills
1,811 reviews38 followers
Update reread AUDIOBOOK: Sooo I absolutely love this book and have been wanting to reread it, but I know it’s a long one so I grabbed the audiobook... it was pretty terrible. The narrator did an awful voice for Christopher making him sound lazy and kind of dumb and sometimes southern(?). Her attempts at accents were distracting and she mispronounced words! Like debut and writhe. Rith? Her body rithed? Seriously? But besides the fact that I did NOT like this narrator. Did anybody edit it? There were TONS of repeated sentences and words. I get that every now in audiobooks. Missed edits, where they repeat a line when they mess up or want to change the inflection in their voice. But this was ridiculous. Also sometimes she would enunciate every letter... every leTTer and she would end up sounding robotic. Not a fan of the audiobook. But even though I didn't enjoy this narrator, I still really enjoyed the story again. I know this book isn’t for everyone, but it’s for me. I loved it. Wow! The description of this book does not do it justice. I thought this was going to be a light fluffy read about two rock stars falling in love. It was so. much. MORE than that!! It was raw, emotional, funny, heart wrenching and sometimes frustrating. This book just sucked me in. I stayed up all night reading until I literally fell asleep mid sentence at 5:30 AM. I don't even know where to start. I guess I'll start at the beginning. Christopher was SUCH a jerk at the beginning. I couldn't stand him. He was childish and petty and I kept wondering 'am I supposed to like this idiot?' But by the end I was in love with him. As the story goes on you learn just how broken and damaged Christopher is. You can't help but feel for him even after he makes stupid mistake after stupid mistake. But it was so refreshing when he would show his vulnerable side and completely depend on Mia for emotional stability. I. Just. Loved. It. By the end of the book, the intensity of his love for Mia reminded me a lot of Travis Maddox in Beautiful Disaster. It was a desperate, all consuming love that pretty much ruled him and completely changed him from what he was at the beginning. Oh yeah, and I LOVED that he had viper bites! And a tongue ring. So hot! The characters were so fun, I especially loved the dynamic in Mia's band. They were great. I liked seeing their antics and actions through Christopher's eyes. One scene I'm thinking of in particular is when Mia and Laney (I think it was) were walking through the hotel, arms linked trying to trip each other. There were lots of little things like that that made me feel the friendship between the girls and gave the book a carefree youthfulness that really helped offset the heavy emotional parts of the story. Before you read any further, I want to say the author has commented below, saying she is trying to fix these issues. I will probably remove the next two paragraphs completely if the story gets updated and the issues are fixed, but until then I will leave it here. There were lots of editing issues, where words would be left out of sentences or words that were probably supposed to be deleted were left in when the author changed a sentence. So that got a little frustrating. For example this sentence really stumped me. huh? Another issue was Jace. He was a character that showed up in Chapter Fifteen and Nineteen. Then again on chapter Twenty-Five. Except in this chapter he has been in Afghanistan for most of the year and they are excited to have him home and see him again. I'm assuming it was just a name issue and those were supposed to be two different characters. Anyway, the book would have been even better if these little editing issues were taken care of. But really they were just minor inconveniences, it didn't make me love the story any less. I loved that the author took her time telling this story. She gave her characters time to really work out their problems. There were no easy fixes. The timeline was much more realistic in the way Christopher and Mia developed feelings for each. Unlike a lot of other books. That being said, I thought Mia was a little distant at times and I had a harder time feeling her love for Christopher. That could be because Christopher's emotions were so palpable they kind of overshadowed Mia's. Another thing I sort of took issue with was the ending. Like I said, the author really thoroughly told this story, but when I got to the last page I was surprised. It seemed like one major thing was missing. But that's just me, I like books to be wrapped up with a nice little bow on top, no loose ends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAVORITE QUOTE This was after Christopher told Mia he loved her for the first time and she was trying to let him off the hook by telling him he didn't have to say that to her. "Mia, I told you how I feel. I'm an a**hole and I don't say or show how I feel very often, so how about you just f***ing enjoy it. ~Christopher haha Yeah so there Mia. He might as well have just screamed 'I LOVE YOU AND YOU'RE GOING TO LIKE IT' in her face. That quote just made me laugh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I need you to understand you aren't just some 'person' in my life. You are the person in my life." ~Christopher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And some more gifs of Kenneth Nixon from Framing Hanley because he is how I pictured Chris and... because I can't get enough of NIXON! For Mia I pictured someone like Cassadee Pope from Hey Monday or Charlotte Klauser from The Black Sheep. And just because... Serena.
Pulling his head back, I took my face in his hand and stared into his eyes.
- 2012 all-nighter app-kindle
2,230 reviews510 followers
Amazon Freebie 10/19/2012 ___________________________________ I think I’m at a loss for words. I had been looking at this book for a while. I went back and forth on it, wanting to read it and then changing my mind. Then something great happened…I got it for free! So, I bought it and immediately transferred it to my kindle. And there it sat…for months. Then a friend asked if I wanted to do a buddy read on the book. I had just finished another book and didn’t know what I wanted to read next. And since I love rock stars, I was more than willing to do the buddy read. I’m extremely glad that I picked this book up. It had everything you could possibly want in a rock star romance. Christopher was a tortured, bad boy rock star that had a huge ego that was matched by this talent. Mia was a fun heroine that was such a good match for Chris. I loved all the interactions between Chris and Mia. Chris wanted her group off the tour so badly that he was willing to do anything to get his way. He starts out trying to make her life miserable, but he ends up making his a little better. He definitely has issues but he finds that Mia is the perfect foil for the issues and just the catalyst he needs to make him face his past and work through it. Chris just about broke my heart. His night terrors were just awful and they affected everyone around him. This was definitely a great read and well worth the regular price of it. If you haven’t read it yet…go buy it now!!!! You won’t be disappointed!
- buddy-read-with-jenn buddy-read-with-jojo musicians-rock-star
I have to admit that I was completely absorbed in this book, but that cover model is what had me at "Hello". ;) Must Mentions: Kat (Katherine) had to be my 1# favorite 'band sister' of Mia's. They were always openly joking around together and freely handing out shit to everyone else. Imitating Serena and Elliot's smooch fest - had me laughing! Singing "Put the lime in the coconut, you drank them all up." - had me wheezing! Forcing Xander to play Dance Revolution with them - had me dying! The author's sense of humor and idea of a good time always reeled me in no matter how much I wanted to cringe away from the often frenzied Chris or the sometimes cold Mia. I honestly have never cried during a scene that was suppose to be arousing. The man was clearly planting sexy viper-bite (Think I will name every one of his piercings through this review.) kisses down the woman's chest while I was sobbing like a child! I have been exposed to a new emotion my friend's. I don't know what it is called, but it was a damn good emotion. While Mia’s character is fairly consistent, I felt Chris’s was less so, changing according to the emotional winds. (I can be deep.) He went from a hot douchebag to a hot sweetheart within the course of a beautiful transition. Watching this man slowly realize he was deserving to feel love once again left me in utter awe. Obviously Chris wasn't in the best state of mind throughout most of the book but that did not keep me from falling 'head over heels' for the scrumptious - Mia says angry, I say alpha (Mia just has her A words confused.) - man and dream about that wonderful tongue piercing. As I got to know Chris, I understood why he acted the way he did, and why he was so afraid of love. I just could not understand the resilience that Mia had towards realizing HER love. In the beginning, Mia's feelings and opinions on Chris were very clear to me, but as time went on, I hated the way she would treat the man. When she would flinch away from his touch, I would want to push her into his arms. Then the little thing in my head that I never use called a conscience would put up a wall of iron clad - telling me Chris, for all his masculine beauty and sexual magnetism, is just bad for her. It was a very nice stable balance between my feelings. When I was mad at one, I could feel remorse for the other. However, when these two personalities collide, the results are a very rocky relationship, neither knowing what to do or how to cope. On one hand, you want them to work their issues out, but on the other, you hope that they don’t hurt each other even more by trying to make it work. Either way, the outcome is an enthralling story that I did not want to put down. Chris's signature move: "lacing our fingers together." *happy sigh*["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>
- rock-star
Lauren Jarvis
123 reviews4 followers
I need a minute..... another one...... okay maybe one more..... Okay i am done and ready to talk. But yep that is how I felt at the ending. This book took me in and chewed me around then spit me out to soon. It was so good. I loved everything about it. I loved the plot, the setting, every character and the writing. OH MY the writing. The banter between the two bands and the comments from friend to friend, was sooooo funny and very real. I often saw this a a very real set of people I all new and hung out with. The way she set the dialogue in the book was so good. Sadie Gruber had me sitting in a chair in the bands hotel room playing the games with them. The writing was that good. Ms. Grubor, if you never write a book again please at least consider being a writer for a dark, sick and trashy sitcom. Because you are good at setting the scene and giving us just enough to really understand the moment that we are reading about. SO why are you still reading this. go read the book!!!!! it is way more interesting then my personal opinion of a book that we will all read and relate to differently. And I may just say it, yep I am going to, i think it is in the same league as Beautiful Disaster and Thoughtless if not above
- 2012
Tessamari ♥Many Waters...♥ ~ Sweet Spot Book Blog
1,003 reviews163 followers
3.5-3.75 Stars It was also no secret the band had a reputation, especially the dark lead singer often labeled the hot, arrogant asshole. "Hot, arrogant asshole." Yup, I was sold. Shocker I know. I'm not ashamed either. I love these types of books. Honestly the premise of the book intrigued me. I love strong heroines who won't take crap from assholes like this. From the beginning, it was pretty apparent that Chris Mason is an asshole. Yes, he's hot. Yes, he's sexy, but his attitude was almost a deal breaker. Two things kept me going. One: I knew, or at least I wanted to believe, that Chris is only acting like he is because there's something more to his story. Two: Mia was amazingly strong and didn't take his crap. I loved that. I scowled at him, wanting to slap the attractive little smirk off his face. Instead inspiration struck. Stopping, I grabbed his arm and pulled his face extremely close to mine. I heard gasps from behind us. Our noses were less than an inch away, and his eyes widened when I licked my lips. This is what I loved about Mia. No matter what an asshole Chris was, she never backed down. She knew his game. She knew he wanted her and her band off their tour, but to play this game with him, it frustrated Chris. What pissed him off more is that he was drawn to her, more than he cared to admit. Chris has issues, severe ones that no one really knows about. He constantly has nightmares regarding his past. He hasn't had a good night's sleep in ages. No wonder he's an ass, right? What he finds out is that Mia has a way to calm his nightmares. One night when his plan on pushing her away goes to shit, he ends up in bed with her (no hanky though) and finds out that Mia's presence when he sleeps keeps his demons away. Of course the one person he supposedly can't stand is the one person he can't function without. Go figure. It really made for an interesting story. "So how are things with the lunatic?" Laney giggled and took a drink of beer. Chris fought and fought his attraction to Mia. It was beginning to frustrate me at how he just wouldn't give in. Then again, Mia was just as stubborn. I think I would've enjoyed this story more if they would've gotten it sooner. Does that make sense? Plus when it seemed like they finally got it, one of them would pull the breaks and the cycle of frustration begins all over again. Ugh! lol. But it wasn't all that bad. I really did like this story and I did LOVE Chris' Alpha asshole tendencies, especially when Mia would knock him down a peg or two. I'm hoping the author considers writing additional books that involve the secondary characters. I will definitely keep an eye out for them :)
Using the sickliest sweet voice I could muster, I opened my mouth.
"In your fucking dreams, Mason."
I shoved him back and walked out of the restaurant extremely proud of myself, listening to the roar of laughter behind me. ~Mia
I rolled my eyes and took a drink of mine. There was no way I was telling them about last night. No way in hell.
"Same ass, same hole," I laughed.
- heroine-makes-me-want-to-turn-bi lead-character-bad-boy lead-character-player
99 reviews116 followers
Ever since I’ve read Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire, and shortly after Thoughtless and Effortless by S.C. Stephens, I’ve been on the lookout for similar compelling books about two people coming together against all odds and struggles. Yet somehow every similar sounding novel ends up being just mediocre or a disappointment. Falling Stars, however, surprised me. I was completely captivated by it in no time. The story is really engaging, and the characters are described in a realistic way. I found myself truly caring about Mia and Christopher and the pain he was going through. However (yes, sadly, there’s a however), there were things that bothered me, things I couldn’t overlook. I’m by far not a grammar nazi, but I did notice some grammar mistakes and other writing errors. Plus, the flow felt a bit choppy at some parts of the story. And I also didn’t like Chris’ possessiveness, and the “inner hooker” thing complete threw me off. Reading about Mia’s “inner hooker” was almost as bad and weird as Anastasia’s “inner goddess” ramblings. So, in the end, Falling Stars might not have reached the level of amazingness I was hoping and looking for, but it sure came close—a lot closer than any other similar novel I’ve read so far. I would definitely recommend it but with a cautionary side note. "Mia, you're trying to catch a falling star."Favorite Quote:
"A falling star is actually on fire as it enters the atmosphere, so if I were to try and catch one I'm pretty sure there would be some pain involved. Though, I would suppose some pain would be worth it to find something so rare."
- 2012-release
351 reviews13 followers
I was pleasantly surprised ! This book was fairly intense, and the "secret" Christoper harbors was seriously intense. So make sure you are prepared for some pretty dark pasts before reading this book, but it was definitely worth all the drama. I absolutely loved Christopher's character.. The facade of him being an arrogant, "asshole" (as she correctly puts it) made it even better when we see his vulnerability revealed in the book. What he went through, and how much he suffered.. I don't think I blame him for the way he reacts. What I loved even more, was how she was his saviour. She calmed him and made the darkness go away. I wanted to scream at how oblivious the two were about each other, but I loved how it played out. I admired Mia's character.. she didnt take any crap from him, and gave him all the support and help he needed. Ahhh.. wish I had a love like that. Only tidbit was that it was waayyyy tooooo lonnngggggg. It could have been condensed a fair bit, and some parts I found to be a bit repetitive. I give the book 3.5/5 .. recommended for those who love music, romance, troubled histories, and learning to move forward type stories
- abuse dark-pasts dealing-with-issues
128 reviews
that is the line that explains everything to me . so christopher the lead vocalist of the forgotten mia is the lead vocalist of hush mentality and in the it is a rollercoater ride to a perfect realistic romance between bands/rockstars . there's this line that i laugh hello sir im the guy that had unprotected OK THAT'S it and A falling star is actually on fire as it
enters the atmosphere.
so if i were to try and catch one im pretty sure
there would be some pain involved. though, i would
suppose some pain would be worth it to
find something so rare
and as you can see i love it
in the first place i am just curious about this
so i check it out and goodiegumdrops i enjoy it so much
and i didn't expect this to be so GOOD .
got some issues about his past and mia is the one who can
make him feel calm/great.
first place she thinks that christopher is a totally douche bag .
yes it got some erotic scenes but i already
expected that is because of the cover their are both naked from the top :)
im sure you this makes you smile too .
sex with your baby girl , OH and by the way , i knocked
oh btw . i Love the 2 point of view's here :)
- bad-boys-likes-good-girls didn-t-excpect-to-be-so-good
Sammy ⭐️
925 reviews35 followers
In the first of the Falling Star Series we meet the lead singer of The Forgotten, Christopher Mason he's got a reputation of being difficult due the dark memories of his past. Mia Ryder is the head strong yet laid back lead singer of the band Hushed Mentality. Hushed Mentality get the news that their going to be the opening act for The Forgotten much to the annoyance of their lead singer Christopher. I could of willingly banged Mia and Christopher's heads together as you could clearly see how much they wanted each other but due to pure stubbornness it took them a while to see it for themselves. It was worth the frustration for the great ending though looking forward to hearing more about the other members of the bands.
- 4-star rockstar series
Lise *friends don't flag*
430 reviews174 followers
At the start of this book I thought I would love it and there were many things I did love, but not enough to make up for the fact that this book was way too long, the repetitive POV (his and then hers) was too much and the editing was horrible. Chris was such a broken character and I felt for him and wanted him to have his HEA- so that is pretty much the reason I stuck it out.
- con-rom freebie
441 reviews339 followers
I really enjoyed this book! I'm not even sure what caused me to pick this one other than it was a story about hot rock stars, total no brainer and I wasn't disappointed! This starts out as the story of the famous rock band The Forgotten getting a new opening act, an all girl band called Hushed Mentality. Of course our lead singers, Christopher Mason(The Forgotten) and Mia Ryder(HM)cannot get along to save their lives! To be fair, Chis is a complete and total A-HOLE to Mia and we all know what that means.....He wants her! Well it doesn't start out that way, he just wants what he refers to as this ridiculous girl band off of their tour and pulls all sorts of stunts to make that happen. But, Chris has met his match in Mia and when he discovers that Mia's presence is the only thing that quiets his horrible nightmares he has to find away to pull her in instead of push her away. Amazingly, we all see them falling in love, but as usual our hero an heroine are blind as bats when it comes to their love. This was a wonderfully, emotionally charged story and I really, really enjoyed it. I highly recommend this little gem and I am going to leave you with what I think is the essence of the story... "Falling stars aren't always meant to be caught you know?" Laney said. "A falling star is actually on fire as it enters the atmosphere, so if I were to try to catch one, I'm pretty sure there would be some pain involved. Though, I suppose some pain would be worth it to find something so rare." "What the fuck are you talking about?" "Mia, you're trying to catch a falling star."
- kindle smokin-hot-rocker tattooed-pierced-hotties
449 reviews20 followers
Okay, this book and I did not click. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how the average rating is 4 stars. Christopher, is a total asshat. Okay, I get that he has issues in his past that he cannot get over, but is that any reason he is allowed to act and behave like an asshole to his friends and the girl he cannot stop thinking of? And, speaking of Mia, how come she lets Christopher get away with using her (for comfort, admittedly, not sex) and then treating her like shit the next second. *shaking head* I don't think I would have had as much of a problem with it, if either of the characters would had learned from their mistakes as the story went on. They didn't. They just kept circling the same track of angst, forgiveness, sex and hate. You may ask why if I didn't like it that much, did I give it the border rating? Because there were a few moments where I did enjoy this story. Where it seemed like everything flowed nicely: characters, dialogues, the story... Then Chris Asshat would come back into the game and I'd get depressed again. .
- for-review rock-star-rock-music
Aimee Pachorek Blogging as Enchanting Ella
111 reviews29 followers
Hmmm.... where do I begin on this one? Although I can honestly say that I loved the storyline and the characters, I have to unfortunately say that the lack of words and lack of grammatical perfection on this one really has me rating it lower than I thought I would. Because of the fact that there were so many missing words or incomplete sentences in some parts, it was hard to follow the story and continue to be "involved" in the story itself. I know I can be harsh when it comes to spelling and grammar sometimes but this one really needs to be re-edited and re-published with the corrections made and we should all get a free download for the newer / better version. Other than those 2 key elements, I thought that the story was a cute one with a great sense of the typical angst and miscommunication that always seems to come with men and women. I would still recommend it to my friends provided it was priced right or free.
Vikki ~ *squee* lite ~
497 reviews183 followers
I imagined a whole different kind of book going into this one. I think I've been reading too many rock star love stories. This turned out to be much more than that. It was a beautiful story about broken man finding the one thing to bring him back to the light. I loved how the love story developed - that for once this wasn't insta love or even insta lust. I enjoyed Chris and Mia - they were very real - flaws and all. Very enjoyable read.
- rock-star
• Lisa •
562 reviews1,580 followers
Good enough story line, frustrating errors throughout the book, there were bits that I loved and had me wanting more, I do crave a big happily ever after and this book didn't quite deliver sadly. The characters were likeable enough, it had all the direction and idea to be a great book but ended up being all in all just ok.
96 reviews
This book was so good that I loved everything about it! It is wonderfully written and engrossing read that you could relate to. You will definitely fall in love with not only the main characters Mia and Chris and hang onto every bit of their romance but also members of the band and their storyline! Another frustrating wait for the sequel!!
JoJo - JJJ (Jo Anna) Janesko
341 reviews191 followers
I loved this story. Just couldn't get enough of it. Sadie Gruber you have outdone youself. I will be looking for more from this author.
- awwww-romance-is-bliss buddy-read famous-people
677 reviews246 followers
I liked this book. It was super long and I felt the author skipped around a lot. By the end I loved Chris but the beginning and in between I wasn't sold on him.
Laurynne Gouws
334 reviews101 followers
November 21, 2012I've figured out that I stress way to much when it comes to ARC books. Of course I believe I have a valid reason to be since nobody wants to waste their time reading a book and have it blow up in your face... I've become hesitant at agreeing to read books via authors request, not because I'm being a cow or anything, but it's not lost on me that all authors believe their books are great. So they are going to pump you to give their books a read, promising the moon and the stars to get you to do it... but that still doesn't sit too well with me. Ok perhaps I am a cow and I know that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover bla bla, etcetera, etcetera... I know all the metaphors. But still... I prefer to pick up a book I've got solid evidence of and one I've done my homework about. Anyhooo... I don't really remember how I got about getting a hold of Falling Stars and Steller Evolution, I believe it was from a Goodreads Group with authors requesting book reviewers to read their books... but the just of the story is Sadie Grubor made contact with me, I received both books, did my homework and decided I'd give it my precious reading time. Honestly... I started reading it last week and I got through about 20% of it (it's a long book btw). I put it aside for a couple of days because I was distracted with marketing ideas for my blog and before I realized it, more days had past and I was shocked to discover I hadn't read in a while. So yesterday I picked it up again and carried on where I'd left off. Mia is the lead singer of her band, Hushed Mentally. She's feisty but has a really big heart. Chris is the lead singer of his band, The Forgotten. He's an over-reacting, demanding, tattooed bad boy who later add's over-protective to his personality list. At first I thought to myself... argh I know where this is going. They gonna meet, fall in love, have a fight, separate and then reunite in a gloriously dramatic manner. Well... yes... that kinda does happen, but the more I read, the more into the book I got and the (much) more I started to fall in love Mia and Chris. Of course the basis of the book was kinda predictable and nobody wants to read the same books over again with just a different cover image and title... Right? I'm sure it's not only me who feel's that way. So yip, I gloated when I figured out I can predict the future, but boy did my mouth drop open when I realized I was way, way off the mark. The fact that the book was written in both Mia and Chris's POV, was great. I liked how most switch-over's between their POV was done basically rehashing the same event, just in each one's different opinions... it wasn't always the case though, but it happened when you needed it most. I loved that. You don't get that very often in a book. I also think that's why the book was so long. You basically read the same scenario, just with how each character saw if differently. I loved how the dialogue totally matched each character. It didn't feel forced. There's nothing worse than a character build and then what actually comes out of their mouth's to be two totally different cases. ~ That wasn't the case with Falling Stars. It freakin tugged at my heart strings. The dialog was epic at times and fun at others. So back to my shocking discovery. I never saw it coming. A lot happens in this book and there are many moments that make you sit back and go wtf... but I ate it all up! I couldn't get enough. Another aspect about the book that I really liked (after about 20% through) was that it moved along at a decent pace. Nothing was drawn out for too long and that was really great since, like I said, A-LOT happens in this book. It could easily have been a two book series. So you might be asking yourself... if you really liked the book, why 4.5 stars? Ok... Yes I totally loved the book and I honestly see myself reading it again in the future just to recap. (I do that sometimes)... but when I do I'm going to be starting at about the 25% mark. Why? Because the beginning got me, yes but the book lost me for a while because I really didn't like the way Chris was towards Mia at the start. Also very little happened till this point and well, quite frankly I thought Chris was childish and I love books where I fall in love with the leading man and I didn't until about 25% through. That's were it's losing a half star, but the remaining 4 stars are well deserved from that point onwards. I was eager to discover Chris's reasons for his attitude and Sadie Grubor didn't draw it out much longer than necessary (which was great). Also the remainder of the book didn't focus solely on his mess-up past and he matured and from that point onwards I really fell in love with him. I loved Mia from the start. She's great! So in essence, you really have to give Falling Stars some of your precious reading time. I only went to bed at 5am because I couldn't stop reading it. I had to make it to the end. I picked up the second mini book (Stellar Evolution) this morning and finished that in about an hour since it's pretty short, but very rewarding. I felt all warm and fuzzy at the end and who doesn't like that? A rewarding read from author Sadie Grubor that will honestly be stuck in your head for a long while :)
Jessy (Jessy's Book Club)
266 reviews109 followers
[The full review is at http://jessysbookclub.wordpress.com/] I was in the mood for a light contemporary romance and as I was looking at my TBR list I felt drawn to this one. Sexy tortured rockstar? yes please! Mia’s band is set to tour with The Forgotten as their opening act. A fact Christopher (lead singer of The Forgotten) is not too thrilled about. He plans to drive them away but realises he needs Mia, turns out she’s the only one who can drive his nightmares away. I had a really good time with this one. It has editing issues, some scenes told in two POVs could get repetitive and some author’s notes were accidentally left in but all in all this did not take away from the awesomeness of the story. I immediately fell in love with Christopher. I’m not sure what it is with me being drawn to a tortured guy… but i’m pretty sure i’m not the only one ‘His expression went blank and he stared blankly. He was lost, and something deep inside me longed to find him.’ Christopher reminded me of Travis in Beautiful Disaster who I LOVED. In fact there are a lot of similarities to Beautiful Disaster so this is perfect for people looking for what to read after BD. Just like Travis, Christopher has a bad temper but I loved his honesty and I loved how drawn he was to Mia, how she was the only one who could calm him. Their scenes, especially after his nightmares were my favorite. ‘I headed for her room hoping she was there. If I could feel her next to me, I knew I would be better.’ Sigh…those scenes made the book for me. Verdict? I loved the story and loved the characters (even the secondary characters). It’s also moderately steamy which of course I loved So if you loved Beautiful Disaster and The Mighty Storm, love your men possessive and honest, then you’ll like this one.
- bad-boys contemporary-romance possessive-controlling-men
4 reviews4 followers
Christopher Mason, frontman of the band The Forgotten. He's hot, he's famous and everything a famous rockstar can be. But despite of his enigmatic look, inside he have his own demons to fight. Demons that can't seem to let him go. He had lost all hope. Slowly, his star is falling. Then Mia Ryder, lead vocalist of the band Hushed Mentality, came in to his life. Not wanting to have the "girly" band in his band's tour, he tried to push her away by being an asshole. Falling Stars is not just another story. To me, it felt real. The characters felt real. I felt their emotions.
One night changed everything. She kept the nightmares away. She was his personal piece of solace. He was lost in her. Christopher became addicted to her. For the first time in his life, Christopher Mason became sure of one thing, Mia Ryder.
I enjoyed reading this book very much. The emotional rollercoaster I've been through while reading this story was incredible. There were moments where I would find myself grinning or hysterically laughing. Then there were those moments where I cried. Then of course, there were those moment where your heart will melt because of love.
This book will definitely stay within me for a while.
2,082 reviews885 followers
This wasn't your typical rock star romance. The Forgotten are at the top of their game and new rock band Hushed Mentality is going to be their opening act. But the lead singer Christopher is not about to tour with a bunch of girls. Certain he can get Hushed lead singer, Mia to quit the band, Chris plots to drive her and her girls off the tour. But....we soon learn that Christopher has some major demons and after a drunken night he finds calmness and splice in the one person he did mot expect. Mia feels torn between trying to help him and hate him at the same time. His journey is painful and full of insecurity. It was a beautifully crafted story that held you interest completely. You laugh at this antics of the two bands and scowl at Chris and Mia in frustration at times. But you are touched. This story hits nearly every nerve and you are thrilled and devastated at the same time.
Terri (N.J.)
850 reviews44 followers
I LOVED this story of Christopher and Mia. It was so touching and loving. I absolutely loved the build up of the romance between Chris and Mia. The banter was wonderful with both bands and I enjoyed the secondary characters and how much they were part of the story. My heart really went out to Christopher and what he was dealing with. I wanted so much to help him. So emotional. What a beautiful ending. I loved this story!
- favorites
1,320 reviews143 followers
Ok wow that was so much better than expected. I loved it. It was such a heartbreaking emotionally draining ride and I loved it . I loved the weird relationship that Christopher and Mia had at times it had me cracking up laughing but then it turned into something so beautiful . I'm off to read the novella now . I can't wait to see what Sadie writes next :)
- ebook fav-authors favorites
Dawn ~The Romance Cover
76 reviews
I loved this book.
It had me in tears of joy and heartache. At times I wanted to bang Christopher and Mia's heads together but the HEA made a great ending. I love the way the author let us get to know every single charecter in the book. I felt like I was actually part of their friendships.
Well worth the read.
Another one would be really good.
- favorites
Author2 books252 followers
This was an enjoyable enough read. Needed some serious editing and a lot of scenes could've been cut. At times the writing was very good, but then it was fall back into so-so- writing. There were a lot of scenes that she could've gone deeper in, but she glossed over. 3.5 stars.
- 2012-read adult-fiction booksirecommend
187 reviews
Reading it with Dan, anyone want to join your welcome :) I'l come back to this.
Donna ~ The Romance Cover
2,817 reviews323 followers
Loved loved loved this book, highly recommended x