The New Jersey Department of Health licenses many different types of facilities. Definitions for each are provided below.
Facility type
Adult Day Care Services
Provides preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative services under medical and nursing supervision for functionally impaired adult participants. Adult day care service facilities provide services which do not exceed 12 hours a day
Alternate Family Care
A contractual arrangement whereby no more than three persons receive room, board, personal care and other health care services in the home of an unrelated individual who has been approved by a sponsor agency and trained to provide the necessary caregiving
Ambulatory Care Facility
Provides preventative, diagnostic, and treatment services to persons who come to the facility to receive services and depart from the facility on the same day
Ambulatory Surgery
A surgical facility in which ambulatory surgical cases are performed and which is licensed as an ambulatory surgery facility, separate and apart from any other facility license. (The ambulatory surgery facility may be physically connected to another licensed facility, such as a hospital, but is corporately and administratively distinct.)
Assisted Living Program
Provides meals and assisted living services, when needed, to residents of publicly subsidized housing which, because of regulations or local housing laws, cannot become licensed as an assisted living residence. An assisted living program may also provide staff resources and other services to a licensed assisted living residence or a licensed comprehensive personal care home.
Assisted Living Residence
A facility licensed by the Department or Health to provide apartment-style housing, dining and assisted living services when needed. Apartment units offer, at a minimum, one unfurnished room, a private bathroom, a kitchenette, and a lockable door on the unit entrance
Behavioral Health Management Program
Provides specialized long-term care for residents with severe behavior management problems, such as combative, aggressive, and disruptive behaviors
Birth Center
Provides routine care to low-risk maternity patients who are expected to deliver babies that are not premature and who will not require surgical intervention
Chronic Hemodialysis
Dialysis services for patients with end stage renal disease where recovery of renal function is not expected.
Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation
Comprehensive rehabilitation services to relieve the disabling effects of illness. These include the coordinated delivery of care to maximize the self-sufficiency of the patient.
Comprehensive Personal Care Home
Provides room and board. Offers assisted living services when needed. Residential units in comprehensive personal care homes house no more than two residents and have a lockable door.
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Hospital
Provides comprehensive rehabilitation services to patients to alleviate or ameliorate the disabling effects of illness. These services are characterized by coordinated delivery of care intended to maximize the self-sufficiency of the patient. A rehabilitation hospital can be a stand-alone facility or can be located in a licensed health care facility.
Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT)
An individual piece of diagnostic medical equipment which permits the imaging of internal structures of the body through the use of computer assisted x-ray scanning
Drug Abuse Treatment
Methadone detoxification, methadone maintenance, and/or drug-free counseling programs.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy
The process which pulverizes kidney stones into particles of sand
Family Planning
Reproductive health care services including contraception, pregnancy detection, options counseling, diagnosis and/or treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, routine gynecological and cancer screening services, health promotion activities, and infertility services. Family planning services may also include prenatal and postpartum care, other gynecological services including colposcopy and cryotherapy, and menopausal services. Family planning services do not include terminations of pregnancies.
Family Planning Satellite
An affiliate of a separately licensed ambulatory care facility within 30 miles of, that of the licensed ambulatory care facility. The satellite facility shares the same governing authority and provides the same principal service.
Federally Qualified Health Centers
Federally qualified health centers (qualify for enhanced reimbursem*nt from Medicare and Medicaid, as well as other benefits. FQHCs must serve an underserved area or population, offer a sliding fee scale, provide comprehensive services, have an ongoing quality assurance program, and have a governing board of directors.
Dialysis therapy provided to either: a hospitalized individual who abruptly sustains loss of kidney function, where dialysis is a temporary life-supporting measure, or in whom recovery of kidney function is expected; or
2. A hospitalized individual with end stage renal disease who requires a regular course of maintenance dialysis therapy
Home Health Agency
Provide preventative, rehabilitative, and therapeutic services to patients in a patient's home or place of residence. All home health agencies shall provide nursing, homemaker-home health aide, and physical therapy services.
Hospice Branch Hospice Care Program
Provides palliative services to terminally ill patients in the patient’s home or place of residence, including medical, nursing, social work, volunteer and counseling services
Long-Term Acute Care Hospital
A type of hospital that provides acute care through a broad spectrum of clinical care services for acutely ill/medically complex patients who require, on average, a 25 day or longer inpatient stay. It may either be freestanding or a hospital within a hospital.
Facilities for the diagnosis, treatment or care of individuals suffering from illness, injury or deformity and where emergency, outpatient, surgical, obstetrical, convalescent or other medical and nursing care is rendered for periods exceeding 24 hours
Long-Term Care/Subacute Care Unit in an Acute Care General Hospital
A unit located within a hospital which utilizes long-term care beds to provide subacute care to patients for a maximum length of stay of eight days.
Long Term Care Pediatric
A facility, distinct nursing unit, or program which is dedicated for occupancy by residents under age 20.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
A piece of diagnostic medical equipment which produces images that are based on the responses of atomic nuclei in a magnetic field. An MRI can serve to define body constituents and chemistry, directly and non-invasively
Maternal and Child Health Consortium
A voluntarily formed non-profit organization, incorporated under Section 501( c) (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, consisting of all inpatient, ambulatory perinatal and pediatric care providers and related community organizations in a maternal and child health service region, licensed as a central service facility by the Department of Health.
Megavoltage Radiation Oncology Services
A piece of radiotherapy equipment capable of generating particle beam energies in excess of 1,000 kilovolts
Nursing Home
Provides health care under medical supervision and continuous nursing care for 24 or more consecutive hours to patients who do not require the degree of care and treatment which a hospital provides and who, because of their physical or mental condition, require continuous nursing care and services above the level of room and board.
Pediatric Day Health Care Services
Provides additional services in order to provide for the needs of technologically dependent or medically unstable children
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Diagnostic medical equipment that produces an image that provides functional and metabolic information by introducing radionucleide or isotopes with extremely short half-lives into the system and tracing their behaviors.
Primary Care
Preventive, diagnostic, treatment, management, and reassessment services to individuals with acute or chronic illness. The term is used in reference to facilities providing family practice, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, and/or clinical preventive services, including community health centers providing comprehensive primary care
Primary Care - Satellite
A separately licensed ambulatory care facility, within 30 miles of its parent facility, that of the separately licensed ambulatory care, but shares the same governing authority and provides the same principal service as its parent facility.
Psychiatric Hospital
A hospital which provides comprehensive specialized diagnosis, care, treatment and rehabilitation on an inpatient basis for patients with primary psychiatric diagnoses
Residential Health Care Facility
A facility, attached to another licensed long-term care facility, that provides food, shelter, supervised health care and related services in a homelike setting
Satellite Emergency Department
A facility, which is owned and operated by a hospital, which shall provide emergency care and treatment for patients
Special Hospital
A hospital which maintains and operates facilities and services for the diagnosis, treatment or care of persons suffering from acute illness, injury or deformity in which comprehensive specialized diagnosis, care, treatment and rehabilitation are administered or performed
Ventilator Beds
Specialized long-term care beds for residents who require ventilator treatment. These beds have piped-in oxygen, suction equipment, emergency electrical outlets, and additional square footage available for ventilator equipment and supplies